Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I’m Giuliano, a tiny little programmer. Once a linguist.

Computer science and linguistics may seem quite separate fields of research but they are intertwined in an eternal golden braid: people thinking they can contribute to each other should come as no surprise.

I think that anything can be learned through deliberate practice and I live by the Hacker Ethic, but somehow mediated by Ivan Illich’s line of thought (people before computers). And I truly believe that it can also change the world we live in.

Personal blogs are my favourite corners of the web, they are where I learn most. They are also the motivation for running my own blog to jot down scattered thoughts, small hacks and, more generally, everything I need to remember.

I keep track of useful stuff about programming (paper textbooks and online resources) I come across in a sort of bookmarks collection in a GitHub repo. The map below from my space on Kinopio summarizes some of the most interesting things I plan to study for the rest of my mortal life:

Beyond programming, books and music are the things that fill my space and time.

Since Twitter has been ruined by that m@th§rf$ck&r, I’m mostly active on Mastodon.

My cv is here, in the unlikely event you need it.