Verify the integrity and availability of resources

Display amount of free and used memory in the system: free -h

Report virtual memory statistics: vmstat 1 5

Report Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions: iostat 1 2

Display a periodically updated table of I/O usage: sudo iotop

Collect, report and save system activity information in a binary file: sar 2 5 -o report.file

Find which process lock a file:

less .vimrc
# put in background (ctrl+Z)
fuser .vimrc
.vimrc:              28135

or: lsof | grep .vimrc

See currently used swap areas: cat /proc/swaps

Examine filesystem capacity and usage: df -hT

Find what is eating up disk space: sudo du -x -d1 -h / | sort -h

Note: The flag -h makes sort command to compare numbers in human readable format.

See if a piece of hardware is detected: lspci

or: lsusb

Find open ports on your machine: sudo netstat -nlptu

Find laptop battery charge state and percentage: upower -i $(upower -e | grep _BAT) | grep -P "(state|percentage)"