Embedded Systems & Electronics
- A guide to getting started with embedded systems
- What is an Arduino?
- What is a Raspberry Pi?
- How Does an FPGA Work?
- FPGA vs. Microcontroller. What is the Difference?
- Arduino Starter Kit
- Basic knowledge about principles and techniques behind the Arduino ecosystem
- The Untold History of Arduino
- Learn electronics by practice
- Concise electronics for geeks
- Lessons in Electric Circuits
- Platt, Electronics: Learning by Discovery: A hands-on primer for the new electronics enthusiast
- LibrePCB
- Practical Guide to Radio-Frequency Analysis and Design
- Beginners Guide to Building a Hardware Hacking Lab
- SDR I/Q tools
- Intel HEX
- Microsoldering 101
- So you want to build an embedded Linux system?
- How a CPU works: Bare metal C on my RISC-V toy CPU
- ElectronicsNotes
- Hardware Hacking
- Assembly Language Adventures
- Post-apocalyptic programming
- A Journey in Creating an Operating System Kernel
- Game Boy Dev
- Game Boy / Color Architecture
- GB ASM Tutorial
- POKEGB: a gameboy emulator that only plays Pokémon blue
- Learning FPGA, yosys, nextpnr, and RISC-V
- The Retro Web
- Linux User/Kernel ABI: the realities of how C and C++ programs really talk to the OS
- Learning about PCI-e
- Introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy
- NASM Tutorial
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
- A friendly introduction to assembly for high-level programmers
- J. Clark Scott, But How Do it Know?: The Basic Principles of Computers for Everyone
- I don't know how CPUs work so I simulated one in code
- A bare metal programming guide